Sunday, October 12, 2003

Here's something I wrote a while back...just hadn't posted it yet...

There’s an Australian cricket player named Shane Warne who has been in the news lately. This guy is like the Dennis Rodman of cricket (if such a thing is possible) in that he is always getting in trouble (not because of his hair style or tattoos). His favorite seems to be getting accused of sexual harassment (and implicitly, adultery since he IS married with kids) by women all over the world. Seems Shane is fond of sending dirty text messages to women’s cell phones. He went through this whole public scandal last year, and now he’s going through the exact same thing. This time the woman is alleging a year long affair with Warren, and is going public because he refused to pay her to keep quiet (nice). (I’m totally ignoring the 3 other women who also came forward within 2 weeks of her announcement).

The funniest part was what one of his teammates said in support of Shane during a press conference. The guy basically said it was a shame that some “hairy-backed Sheila” (Aussie slang for girl) was doing this to him. When I heard him say that on the news I almost spit out my drink! Can you imagine Shaq coming out and calling the girl accusing Kobe Bryant of rape a “dog-faced skank”? Okay, maybe Shaq is a bad example. I can imagine him saying that. Still...calling a girl a "hairy-backed Sheila" is just too funny...


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