Okay...some of my Australian friends commented that much of this journal was nothing but "winging" (pronounced "winj-ing", it means complaining) about all the ways (and there are many) that Australia sucks. In honor of those friends, I decided to put together a little list of the things I think Australia does right. Don't worry, you won't be here long. It's a pretty short list.
1) The Half Flush--Australians tend to be a little more concious of the environment, I think. Most of the toilets here have a "half flush" to save water. You don't have to unleash all of the awesome power your toilet can muster, like when all it has to do is remove last nights six-pack, ya' know?
2) Serious about drunk driving--the legal limit here is .05...that's about one drink. Many of the kids I know seem pretty conscientious about picking a DD or taking a taxi when they get "pissed" (Australian for "drunk").
3) The Food--so many immigrants from so many countries means you can get great Italian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian, Greek, and on , and on.
4) Sports--the entire country is sports CRAZY!!! Now, Americans like sports, but here it is engrained in the national identity. Here, it is the norm that girls AND guys get into rugby. Both sexes will likely know their sport. Many of the commentary teams include women, but it's not a big deal like it is in the US. No one questions that the women know their stuff (they are also no where near as hot as the girls on US sports shows, but that's another story).
5) Reading--Australians love to read (the ones that can, anyway...OOOH, good one!) There are bookstores everywhere!!
6) Fat French Fries--This may seem trivial, but I assure you it is not. I have spent time in the french fry frying business so I know what I'm talking about. Fat fries not only have a better taste, texture, and consistency, but are also harder for the morons that cook them to mess up. That means I get great fries almost everywhere I go :)
There you have it folks! A few areas that Oz has their stuff together. Good On Ya', Australia!! (That's how they says "Job well done.")
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