Wednesday, September 03, 2003

August 7, 2003 Thursday
After a week of class, I’ve already been called on twice to provide “the American perspective” in class discussion. I wasn’t called on twice in my entire first year of law school. I kind of asked for it, though. Two of my three classes were not on the list the office tried to convince us were the only ones “available.” Therefore, I’m the only international student in either class. Representing an entire country can be hard work. Then again, if George W. can do it I can, too. Actually, he probably makes it easier for me. He has to be all, “Hey! I’m the President…I’m from Texas, where we used to execute people every 15 minutes…I know what I’m doing, because the people that worked with my Dad tell me what to do.” That let’s me be a little more moderate and show Australians not all Americans, and especially not all Texans, are war-mongering, death penalty supporting, gun toting rednecks who can’t speak English right…er, correctly.

Ana, myself, and another law exchange student went to see the new “American Pie” movie tonight. Pretty damn funny, I have to say. Well worth the $7.50 AUS ($5 US). I highly recommend it to all of you who aren't too uptight to enjoy some really good bathroom humor.


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