Lost in Translation...no kidding.
I saw Lost in Translation last night with a friend of mine. I've been keen on seeing this ever since I got back. Everyone said it was great. Nominated for this Oscar and that Golden Globe. Bill Murray's best work, even. Ya' know what?
I must have missed the point because I didn't think it was funny at all. It WAS supposed to be funny, wasn't it? I had the exact same feeling when I saw The Royal Tennenbaums. I kept waiting for it to get funny, and it never did. Shouldn't a comedy have at least a funny premise? Shouldn't the main characters do funny things? There were a few scenes that I probably would have laughed at had I not already been in "What the hell is this movie trying to say?" mode.
Oh, well. At least I didn't have to pay for it. Thanks, Mo! (poor thing...she DID have to pay for it)
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