July 18, 2003
FINALLY went out to see Sydney. We decided to hit the Harbour. So far, much of what we had seen reminded us a lot of the States. The houses in our neighborhood would fit in with the houses in any working class neighborhood in Kansas City or Chicago. The mall near our house is very American in concept, if not in design, down to gaggles of roaming teenagers. But riding the bus into downtown Sydney…NOW we felt like we were in Australia. We got off at Circular Quay (pronounced ‘key’) and walked down towards the Opera House. To be honest, it was kinda underwhelming, but then again, I’ve never been one to be awed by buildings. It was probably because we didn’t actually get that close, much less go inside.
MORE WALKING…We walked around the Royal Botanical Gardens for a few hours. That was nice, despite there not being much in the way of flowers. Mostly green trees and bushes. The highlight was watching the biggest f*cking bats I’ve ever seen. These suckers must have weighed at least 7 lbs. with bodies around a foot long! And yes, the were flying around.
Last night at the Randwick Lodge. Tomorrow is move-in day.
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