Thursday, September 11, 2003

Another way this country is backwards…I tried to buy some rubbing alcohol for my ear. Yes, there is STILL water in my ear. Sounds easy, right? Any grocery, pharmacy, etc. should have it. The grocery store does not, but never fear, plenty of pharmacies around. After searching the shelves myself for about 5 minutes, all I could find was Swimmer’s Ear, which was $13 for a little bottle. I asked the pharmacist if they carried any rubbing alcohol, or isopropyl alcohol, just in case the called it something different here. She pointed me to a bright green bottle of something called “Isopropylcol” or something like that. It was cheaper, but just didn’t seem right. The label called it an “antiseptic lotion”. Now, I know what lotion is. And from my time here, Australians have the same definition of “lotion” that we do as far as I can tell. I wasn’t about to pour something called a lotion down my ear. I had to settle for the Swimmer’s Ear. I got the water out just in time for my second lesson.


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