Done, done, and....DONE!!!!!
That big, steaming pile of crap in my rear view mirror is not Waco, NO! It is the Texas Bar Exam! It is times like this I wish I was a more emotional person. I should be dancing and singing and drinking (a little). Instead, I'm blogging. I'll probably go out somewhere tonight...unless, of course, the torrential downpour plus my natural circadian rythms combine to force me to sleep by 10 PM.
I can definitely say that studying for the Bar was worse than actually taking it. This assumes that one studies for the Bar exam. The first day is the half day, not bad at all. The Civil & Criminal Procedure/Evidence short answer isn't really that bad. They tend to test the same group of stuff every year, more or less, judging from old tests. The MPT is more annoying than anything else. Anyone going into law will innevitably be asked to write a memo at 4:00 PM on Friday that is due by 5:00 PM. This is the same thing...actually it's easier because all your research is given to you.
The MBE, the multi-state multiple choice portion, wasn't that bad. Then again, I kinda like multiple choice exams...yes, I know that is weird. Some people felt that it was harder than they expected. It did have a lot of questions in areas that had been on old exams or really been emphasized in BarBri.
The last day, the 12 essays, is the worst. The only thing that kept me going was all the pretty colored answer books. Green, light green, red, pink, yellow, gold, blue, lavender (yes, lavender...not purple), tan (blech!), and I can't remember the other two. We were the lucky class to have an Oil & Gas question. Everyone taking it the next three years should be thankful we bit the bullet for you, <Homer Simpson voice on>BE THANKFUL!<Homer Simpson voice off>. Now it's all in the hands of the curve. I heard that only one guy from Austin's BarBri class failed the Bar last year, and he was on Law Review! Apparantly, it was a combination of arrogance and the realization that he wasn't as smart as he thought he was a little too late. That kinda sucks for other folks though, because it means that most of the roughly 30% that fail are concentrated in Houston and Dallas.
Now I've got to go into preparation mode for my 2,200 mile move to my new job in Idaho! Maybe I'll go for some test drives tomorrow. I'm looking to buy a car before I move. Anyone with suggestions, feel free to drop in a comment. The main requirement is four-wheel drive for the ice and snow.
I started this at 7pm and it is now 9:15pm. I'm not sleepy, but I probably won't go out unless one of a short list of people call and invite. Is it you?