Tuesday, August 03, 2004

From the "What Took So Long" file (cross reference with the "Change is good, but why does this feel bad?" file

The Jefferson County (Beaumont) commissioners have voted to change the name of one of their county roads. (Full story above) The previous name was "Jap Road." Yes, you read that right. Aside from the fact that it took this long for enough people to care the word is a racial slur, those opposed to the change actually defended it saying it "honored" the Japanese farmer (I sh*t you not) that lived there in 1905. I'm sure that the city of Austin really had to debate hard to decide between "Cesar Chavez Blvd." and "Dirty Spic Lane."

The other thing that bothers me is that they changed the name to recognize a restaurant that was on the road for 30 years that closed recently. Hmmmmmm..."The name honors the Mayumi family patriarch."...How can we change the name and still honor him? Mayumi Road? "Naaahhhh, lets just go in another direction." That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like "Jap Road" was OK, but "Mayumi Road" is just too "foreign."

Am I crazy?

NOTE: I'm sure the majority of Beamont-ians are nice, well-meaning, educated...well nice and well-meaning anyway. But there seems to be enough that aren't to make this non-story a story, ya know?


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