From the "Persecution never goes out of style" department...
County Commissioner (CC): Ya' know...we really need to do something 'bout them gays.
Councy Attorney (CA): Um...
CC: Can we ban 'em?
CA: What, like, totally? I don't think...
CC: Shoot yeah! It shouldn't be that hard. The council can just have a vote--that wouldn't be a problem. Everybody in these parts supports good, old fashioned American values. This thing'll sail through.
CA: Um, actually...I'm pretty sure it would be unconstitutional, not to mention impractical. Would you...
CC: Oh, this is gonna be great. Wait'll I tell the boys down at the barber shop! YEEEEE-haw! I know we weren't able to fire that school teacher for teaching evolution (what a crock that is), but this is even better. We'll have a parade and check ID's at the county line...Wait. What did you say?
CA: It's unconstitutional.
CC: Un-con-sti-what?
CA: It means we can't do it.
CC: So we can't require homos to have little rainbows on their driver's licenses so we can pick them out?
CA: Um...No.
CC: Ahh, you're just paranoid. We'll do it anyway...right after the church social, before the stoning.
I'm not positive that's how it went, but I have a feeling. Click here to read about Rhea County, TN 's attempts to ban gays.
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