Monday, April 05, 2004

Countdown continues...

PSD went great!! The weather sucked, though. It was perfect the day before and the day after so I hope everybody got a little taste of it before they had to leave. All the feedback I got was positive. The "kids" were all a little pooped by the end of the day. Who knew sitting on your but could be so tiring? It was probably our fault for loading them up with barbecued beast flesh at lunch. Maybe next year we could spike their iced tea with Red Bull to keep them going.

Bad news, to me anyway, was that the U.S. News and World Reports law school rankings came out last week and we are 15. It doesn't mean that we dropped so much as some school got loose and got above us...I think. I don't really have last years list memorized. I haven't seen the actual magazine with all the specific category rankings so maybe there is something good there. This isn't the end of the world, by any means. Just a little disappointing.

On another front, as part of our graduation (the Sunflower Ceremony), every graduate gets 25 words read by the dean of student affairs as we walk across the stage. 25 words?! What am I supposed to do with that?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to be funny in 25 words without using props or fart noises? They were due Friday, but I got an extension. Not that this weeke is any less busy. I promised 2 good friends of mine I would be a witness in their mock trial rounds Monday and Wednesday. There go those nights. At least they appreciate that I will be missing the NCAA championship game. Aren't I such a good friend?


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