Happy Easter!!
This is the first Easter I can remember where the weather has been crappy. I always figured God had a little pull in that department and could "arrange" good weather for special occassions like rising from the dead.
I still haven't turned in my 25 words.
I missed another TX civil procedure quiz, and this one was a BIG one. I don't know what my problem is. The others I just didn't prioritized, but I really meant to do this one. I even put it on my calendar! I've been having this strange feeling, lately. No, not that one; I got some pills for that. No, this feeling is almost like senior-itis. My grades actually DO matter since any job I get will likely be after grades come out. My job now should be trying to get said job. Yet with all that, I keep deciding to go out with my friends as much as I can. This is the last time I'll be able to hang out with most of the friends I've made in the last three years. I guess that's a more powerful force than some are able to admit. Yes, I'm a big weenie. So sue me :)
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