Tuesday, April 27, 2004

My final Finals...

I am entering what is most likely the last final exam period of my life. Why am I so sad? Probably because I am a nerd at heart and love going to school. Now THAT is something to be sad about!

I finally saw a copy of the law school yearbook the other day. My copy is waiting for me on main campus, which is why I still don't have it. I'll wait untill more of the great unwashed masses of undergrads skedaddle for the summer before getting over there. Anyway, the reason I mention it is because I have once again managed to be virutally nonexistant in the book. Going back to high school, I've had this knack for being very involved in school, but not being anywhere in the year book. The worse one was when I was the lead in the senior play, and the play did not get a single page in the annual! I gave a tour de force performance, dammit!

This time it isn't so bad. I'm just missing from the group pictures of every organiza tion I belong to. Same thing will happen next year, even for SROC! Somewhere along the line I developed this complex about being recognized for what I do and I somehow have tied recognition to appearance in a year book. I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm out of school. Maybe I'll start my own :)

I'll be a little slow for the next couple of weeks due to finals. I plan on writing a bit about what I wish I had done in law school for any of you that are just starting out, so check back.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 22, 2004

We interrupt this semi-regularly scheduled blog...

To point my finger at America and yell, "YOU STUPID, MORONIC, MOUTH-BREATHING, IDIOTS!!!!" Why the vitriol? Did you see the travesty that was American Idol last night?!

Once again, my fellow Americans have dissapointed me. I can understand when we can't pick the right President or a bunch of us choose another actor to be governor; that doesn't bother me. The one thing I thought the American public would be able to handle would be voting for our next pop star. I mean, this is the country that practically invented pop culture! The last two competitions have proceeded pretty much the way they should have, with a few minor exceptions.

While I personally would never have chosen George Huff , Matt Rogers or especially Jon Peter Lewis, I agreed with the judges that this was the strongest 12, top to bottom, so far. But how in the world does one of the 3 "Divas" of the show, undoubtedly one of the most talented singers and performers, not to mention the TOP VOTE GETTER LAST WEEK, get sent home?!!

I smell voter fraud. It is an absolute travesty that Jennifer Hudson is watching the rest of the show at home, while John Stevens is forced to suffer through another horrible week knowing he doesn't deserve to be here and must die another slow, painful death on stage in front of millions of people. SHAME ON YOU, AMERICA!

Is it strange that a 25-year-old heterosexual male has opinions this strong on American Idol? Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....

EDIT: You think I'm the only one pissed? Think again...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Congratulations to the newest additions to my "Songs I Liked Until Clear Channel Decided To Play Them Every 10 Minutes" list--Maroon 5's "This Love" and Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl". They join other such hits as recent favorite-turned-vomit inducer "Hey Ya" by Outkast and that song from the Quizno's commercial. Actually, I still kinda like the Quizno's song. "We love the subs!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Out of curiosity...

How long are radio stations allowed to be "New?" I noticed the other day that every single station I listen to is the "NEW" Mix/Beat/Buzz/Beast/Q/Z/Marshmellow/Colostomy Bag/etc. And I'm fairly sure they have all been that was since I moved here 3 years ago. What's up with that?

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Happy Easter!!

This is the first Easter I can remember where the weather has been crappy. I always figured God had a little pull in that department and could "arrange" good weather for special occassions like rising from the dead.

I still haven't turned in my 25 words.

I missed another TX civil procedure quiz, and this one was a BIG one. I don't know what my problem is. The others I just didn't prioritized, but I really meant to do this one. I even put it on my calendar! I've been having this strange feeling, lately. No, not that one; I got some pills for that. No, this feeling is almost like senior-itis. My grades actually DO matter since any job I get will likely be after grades come out. My job now should be trying to get said job. Yet with all that, I keep deciding to go out with my friends as much as I can. This is the last time I'll be able to hang out with most of the friends I've made in the last three years. I guess that's a more powerful force than some are able to admit. Yes, I'm a big weenie. So sue me :)

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Law school rankings...

Here's a good article that may give some of you a little perspective on all the USN&WR rankings hoopla.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Random thought...

Life Goal: Become important enough to be able to say cool things like "Give us the room, please." like they do on "The West Wing."

Countdown continues...

PSD went great!! The weather sucked, though. It was perfect the day before and the day after so I hope everybody got a little taste of it before they had to leave. All the feedback I got was positive. The "kids" were all a little pooped by the end of the day. Who knew sitting on your but could be so tiring? It was probably our fault for loading them up with barbecued beast flesh at lunch. Maybe next year we could spike their iced tea with Red Bull to keep them going.

Bad news, to me anyway, was that the U.S. News and World Reports law school rankings came out last week and we are 15. It doesn't mean that we dropped so much as some school got loose and got above us...I think. I don't really have last years list memorized. I haven't seen the actual magazine with all the specific category rankings so maybe there is something good there. This isn't the end of the world, by any means. Just a little disappointing.

On another front, as part of our graduation (the Sunflower Ceremony), every graduate gets 25 words read by the dean of student affairs as we walk across the stage. 25 words?! What am I supposed to do with that?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to be funny in 25 words without using props or fart noises? They were due Friday, but I got an extension. Not that this weeke is any less busy. I promised 2 good friends of mine I would be a witness in their mock trial rounds Monday and Wednesday. There go those nights. At least they appreciate that I will be missing the NCAA championship game. Aren't I such a good friend?